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Frances Burton

Frances burton your local Medical Herbalist
making a plantain leaf poultice

Frances is a fully qualified Medical Herbalist with a first-class BSc degree in Herbal Medicine from the University of East London. She was awarded the Dorothy Carroll Award for Top Final Clinical exam and the Arthur Barker Award for Best Graduate in her year group.


Frances became a member of The National Institute of Herbal Medicine (NIMH) on graduating in 2016. This is the largest regulating body for Herbalists in the UK, established in 1864. Members adhere to a comprehensive code of ethics and practice and are actively engaged in programmes of continuing professional development. Her training included the study of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology, differential diagnosis and orthodox physical examination in addition to phytochemistry and herbal therapeutics. She gained over 550 hours of clinical experience at the Stratford Centre for Herbal Medicine, at Whipps Cross Hospital Dermatology Unit and at local clinics in Lincoln, Sheffield and Wilmslow.  


She is trained to advise on the safety of any potential herb/drug interaction and can recognise when a condition is best referred to your GP or other healthcare provider. Any advice or herbal prescription is tailored to suit each individual. Her aim is to provide a caring and supportive environment to address health concerns and empower people to take control of their own health.


weighing elderberries in scales for a syrup
finished pots of comfrey ointment
Herbal walk in Youlgreave in the sunshine
A talk to gardeners at Bakewell allotments
dandelions gathered by a child ready

Frances has always had a love of plants, previously studying Botany as a B.Sc. Hons at University of Liverpool, then Ecology as an M.Sc. at University College London and subsequently working in wildlife conservation for many years in the North East, Wiltshire and Sheffield. In addition, she also qualified as a nurse, and was able to combine interest her interest in supporting people’s health with the environment through work in community health projects in Newcastle and then overseas for several years in Honduras, Central America. The Honduran project was focussed on supporting rural community health promoters who were using herbal medicine as their only readily available form of primary health care. These experiences inspired Frances to link her botanical and health background and train to become a herbalist in her own community.


Frances sees patients one-to-one at clinics in Wirksworth, Ashbourne and online and has particular interests in digestive, hormonal and mental health problems.


She is also a tutor for Derbyshire Adult and Community Education Services tutor (DACES) and regularly runs workshops and courses for DACES across Derbyshire. These have included running courses for adults with mental health problems funded through Brightside and Mind as well as John Muir Conservation Award Programmes with Rethink Mental Health and Trent Rivers Trust.


Frances also runs private workshops for local groups and has regularly worked with Sheffield Environmental Movement encouraging minority ethnic groups out into the countryside and encouraging discussion of their own cultural knowledge and experience of using plants medicinally.


She regularly gives talks to Women’s Institute and local gardening groups which have proven to be a fascinating way of discussing people’s own use and knowledge of medicinal plants, often handed down from previous generations.  


Frances lives in the Derbyshire Dales with her partner and teenage boys, all of whom dip in and out of using herbal medicines as it suits them!

© Frances Burton herbalmedicinederbyshiredales 07791326212

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